School Performance


We are a GOOD school


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out a large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their findings on their website.

We were inspected by Ofsted on the 7th and 8th February 2024 and received a judgement of ‘Good’ in all areas. You can view our latest Ofsted report and our previous reports by clicking on the link below:

View Victoria Lane Academy Ofsted reports.


Parent Feedback

Occasionally we ask for Feedback from Parents and carers. Please see the results of the latest Parental Survey by clicking the link below:


Department for Education

Here is our assessment data for 2023/24 and it shows how we compare to other schools nationally:

No primary test or assessment data was published for 2020, 2021 or 2022. Here is our assessment data for 2022/23:

You can view the School Performances tables for previous years from the DfE by clicking the link  VLA Performance Tables .

Swimming Data

Swimming is a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum PE programme of study and an essential skill for children to learn; it is one skill that could save their life. All classes in Key Stage Two attend swimming lessons at some point during the academic year. Years 5 and 6 both attend swimming lessons for a term and years 3 and 4 attend swimming lessons for half a term each. We aim to ensure that as many of our KS2 children as possible reach the required expectation to be able to:

“Swim confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.”
“Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.”
“Use a range of strokes effectively.”

Here is our Year 6 swimming data for 2023/24:


Childcare Provision

Victoria Lane Academy School offer childcare provision. Full details of the provision provided can be found on our Childcare Provision section of our website.


Check School Performance Tables

You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area. You can check:

  • exam and test results
  • financial information
  • Ofsted reports

You can only see statistics for schools and colleges in England.


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