Welcome to Mrs Wagstaff class (Year 2)
- Teacher: Mrs Wagstaff
- Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ambrose
Our topics this year include: The Great Fire of London, Pocahontas and The Queen. Details about our topics can be found in the long term plan section of our website. If you have any concerns about your child or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to pop in and see us or speak to us on the yard after school.
Our Year 2 Curriculum Overviews
You can view or download our curriculum overview by visiting our curriculum page
What should a Year 2 child be able to do?
The 2014 National Curriculum outlines the expected standards that children should reach by the end of each year in primary school. These are outlined below.
- Year 2 Must Do Maths
- Year 2 Meeting Expectations English
- Year 3 Must Do Maths
- Year 3 Meeting Expectations English
Must Do Spellings
There will be two-hour PE lessons every week as well as a daily fitness session. At times, there may well be additional sessions when external coaches are in school. Children are advised to bring in a PE kit on a Monday morning and to leave it in school for a half-term. The kit will then be returned home for cleaning. If you would prefer to wash it more regularly then please inform staff, who will send the kit home as and when requested by parents.
Please note no jewellery is allowed to be worn during PE for safety reasons and will need to be removed during PE and sporting activities.
At VLA, we operate an effective and consistent whole school approach to homework. Every child, from Year 1 – Year 6 is issued with their very own VLA Homework Book. Our Homework book will also be used as a reading diary and should be brought into school every day. The homework children receive in school will vary depending on the year group they are in.
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