Year 6 Mrs Carr

Welcome to Year 6

  • Teacher: Miss Carr
  • Teaching Assistant: Mrs Gordon

These are the characters that we will be learning about this year:

You can view or download our curriculum overview by visiting our curriculum page.

What should a Year 6 child be able to do?

The 2014 National Curriculum outlines the expected standards that children should reach by the end of each year in primary school. These are outlined below.



Children will do PE one afternoon each week. To maximise lesson time, children should come into school wearing their PE kit on the day that they have their PE lesson. Our school PE kit includes a white T-shirt or polo shirt, black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings and trainers. Children should wear their school jumper over the top of their PE kit. Parents will be informed which day their child will be doing PE via Class Dojo. PE days may change throughout the year for various reasons but we will always keep you updated.

Please note no jewellery is allowed to be worn during PE for safety reasons and will need to be removed. If children cannot remove their own earrings, they should be taken out before they come to school on their PE day.



At some point this year, our class will be attending weekly swimming lessons (dates and times will be shared via Class Dojo) so they will require a swimming kit including a swimming hat and a towel. Boys must wear swimming trunks not swimming shorts and girls must wear a swimming costume and not a bikini. Goggles may be worn also.


Home Reading

Reading books and records must be brought into school and taken home every day. Please sign and date your child’s reading record every time they read to you. Every child should read at least 3 times a week a home. Home reading does not have to be restricted to their school reading book; anything that your child reads at home can be logged in their reading record. There is a weekly competition between classes to see who can do the most reading at home.


Class Dojo

Each class has their own Class Dojo page where teachers will put regular updates on what has been going on in their class. Important messages and information will also be shared on Class Dojo so if you are not connected to your child’s class, let their class teacher know and they will sort that out for you.

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