Here is a list of useful weblinks:
Links for Parents
- Durham County Council home page
- Ofsted
- DCC School Admissions Information
- Sure Start County Durham
Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing
Durham Foodbank
Victoria Lane Academy have been making referrals for families that may need support in times of crisis. Information can be found in the link provided.
If families would like to access this service, they can contact school and speak to Miss Whitfield and Mrs Azzouzi who will be happy to help.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Durham County Council Local Offer
- SEND Pathfinder
- Achievement for All
- ( Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions
- Pooky Knight Smith (Mental Health)
- Chatter Pack (SEND Resources)
- Eye Can Learn (Discrimination)
- Oxford Owl (Find a Book)
- Literacy Trust (Find a Book)
- Literacy Trust (Wonders of Winnie the Pooh)
- RNIB (Easy Reader)
Links for Pupils
Young Carers
The Bridge Young Carers has launched its new Facebook page and are inviting you to like and follow their page to receive updates about events, training and their service.
e-Safety Websites
- Parentinfo (from CEOP and the Parent Zone)
- Kids Smart
- Think U Know
- Hector’s World
- Childline
Durham Music Services
Durham Music Services aim to inspire young people in our communities to enjoy music throughout their lives. They provide a wide range of high quality musical educational opportunities aiming for the highest standards. Visit the Durham Music Services website for further information.
Feeder Schools
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