Victoria Lane Academy is a member of Tudhoe Learning Trust and as a school team we work tirelessly to promote the Trust’s core aim:
“To work and learn together, always striving to ensure our pupils achieve their full potential and develop the skills and knowledge required for an ever changing world”
Although we are part of a larger educational organisation, as a school we have our own our own unique mission statement, identity and ethos that is underpinned by specific aims and goals.
Educate and Celebrate at Victoria Lane Academy
We are proud to announce that Victoria Lane Academy has been awarded Educate and Celebrate Silver Best Practice School Status. We aim to ensure that VLA continues to be a LGBT friendly school by creating a safe, inclusive environment for all staff, parents, children and governors.
Educate & Celebrate is a national initiative designed to prepare children and young people for life and to give them a good understanding of how Equality and Diversity is protected by the Equality Act 2010.The Equality Act 2010 has created the ‘Public Sector Equality Duty’, which states that every public body, including schools and academies, have legal duty to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share and do not share the following protected characteristics:
The Equality Act 2010 has created the ‘Public Sector Equality Duty’, which states that every public body, including schools and academies, have legal duty to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share and do not share the following protected characteristics:
- race
- disability
- gender
- age
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- pregnancy & maternity
- gender identity
- marriage and civil partnership
Please view our Educate and Celebrate Showcase
Assisting schools and academies to comply with this legal duty, ‘Educate & Celebrate’ is a national initiative designed to prepare children and young people for life and to give them a good understanding of how Equality and Diversity is protected by the Equality Act 2010.