2014‐2015 Pupil Premium Allocation: £91,800
Our school budget allocation is used resourcefully to ensure a significant impact in learning for these eligible groups of pupils. This year we have been allocated £91,800 to narrow the attainment gap between FSM and Non FSM pupils. Victoria Lane Academy has allocated this funding to:
- Employ additional teaching assistants for 0.7 in KS2 and 0.8 in EYFS to support intervention and one to one tuition programmes.
- Purchase a class set of laptops to support learning.
- Purchase of specialist services and training including TTOTs, LACES and Talk Boost.
- Enhance and enrich the curriculum with visits, experiences and resources to support and engage learners.
- Provide high quality CPD and training for staff in writing, speech and language and SEN provision.
The information outlined below from or 2015 Raise Data demonstrates the impact of all of the above expenditure on narrowing the achievement gap and ensuring the best possible outcomes for our Disadvantaged Pupils.
Our Raise Progress Measures Value Added data indicates that our school from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 is significantly higher than the national VA figure for all subjects overall and Mathematics.
Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) overall Value Added KS1 to KS2
- FSM Overall VA is 102.1 which is above national NFSM 100.1
- FSM Maths VA is 103.5 which is above national NFSM 100.1
- FSM Reading VA is 100.4 which is above national NFSM 100.0
- FSM Writing VA is 100.4 which is above national NFSM 100.0
Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) Expected Progress (Two Levels of Progress from KS1 to KS2)
- DP Maths progress 100% which is above the national average Non DP 91%
- DP Reading progress 100% which is above the national average Non DP 92%
- DP Writing progress 86% which is below the national average Non DP 95%
Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) More than Expected Progress (3+ Levels of Progress from
KS1 to KS2)
- DP Maths progress 71% which is above the national average Non DP 37%
- DP Reading progress 57% which is above the national average Non DP 33%
- DP Writing progress 43% which is above the national average Non DP 37%
Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) achieving L4+
- Maths, Reading & Writing is 57% – which is in line with the national average Non DP 85%
- Maths is 100% which is above the national average for Non DP 90%
Attainment at Year 1 – Phonics
- There is a positive, continual upward trend 76% of all children achieving the expected standard (73% – 2014, 67% – 2013)
- Our FSM/ Disadvantaged children 78% passed the phonic test in comparison to 76% of our NFSM/ Non-disadvantaged children
- Significant increase in phonic cores was achieved by all children – 73% achieved 33pts+ in 2014 compared with 52% in 2013
Victoria Lane Academy is committed to effectively use our Pupil Premium Funding to continue to narrow the gap between FSM/Disadvantaged and Non Disadvantaged pupils in Writing and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar so results are in line with National expectations at the end of KS2.