PSHE, RSE, British Values & Character Curriculum

PSHE (inc RSE) & British Values

To cater for the complex and varied Personal, Social, Health and Emotional needs of the pupils at Victoria Lane Academy, and to ensure we promote British Values, we follow a comprehensive, progressive scheme of work – SCARF.

To supplement this, we deliver weekly character-building lessons

We have incorporated British Values (Mutual tolerance & respect, Democracy, Individual Liberty and Rule of Law) into our wider curriculum.

The SCARF program  and our character curriculum aim to develop 8 key traits (RESPECTS) in those who attend VLA:

  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Self-awareness
  • Positivity
  • Excellence
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Safety


The year is split into half terms, with the whole school (from Nursery to Year 6) covering the same themes at the same time. Click here to see our Long Term Plan for the whole school.

To see what teaching and learning looks like in each of the themes (Me & my Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Safe, Rights Respecting, Being my Best, Growing & Changing) as children move through school and the spiral curriculum click here for our progression document.

Relationship and Sex Education makes up part of the SCARF programme. To see what/when statutory and non-statutory elements are covered, please clink on the individual overviews at the bottom of this page.

Character Curriculum

Every term, year groups from 1 – 6 will follow the journeys of the characters they are studying in History/Geography in a series of 10 missions (1 hour per week). During these missions, pupils will be working on their RESPECT character traits.

British Values

To see when we cover elements of British Values, click here for our BV mapping document.

PHSE, Character and BV Yearly Overviews for each year group: